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Sponsored: The Top 4 Reasons to Choose CCGA

Why a CCGA Cash Advance? CCGA is committed to helping farmers succeed. We have more than 30 years of experience helping farmers, and our knowledgeable customer service team can take you through the application process step-by-step. Discover more reasons why a CCGA Cash Advance is the best choice for your farm.

November 13, 2018  By Canadian Canola Growers Association

Our Expertise
We’ve been doing this a long time (over 30 years!), so we know exactly how to take farmers through the application process seamlessly from start to finish. Our staff handle, on average, over 10,000 advances every year and there isn’t a question our contact centre cannot answer.

Our Accessibility
We have made our program as convenient as possible. There are many different ways to apply for a CCGA Cash Advance, and you can choose the application method that’s best for you. You can also access all of your account information online anytime.

Our People
We live and breathe farming and truly care about helping farmers succeed. We understand farmers’ specific needs and are always looking for new ways to meet those needs, and to get better at what we do. If you have suggestions we would love to hear them, and we’ll work to include your input.


Your Success
CCGA Cash Advance means financial flexibility for your farm. Regardless of your farm’s size or experience, a Cash Advance can benefit through low interest rates and the ability to sell when the time and price are right for your farm.

Cash Advances are available for 45 commodities, including all major field crops, honey, and livestock in Western Canada. For a complete list, and to find out more, visit

The Cash Advance program administered by CCGA is made available to Canadian farmers through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Advance Payments Program.

Apply today! Visit or call 1-866-754-2256.

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